Affordable web site design using worpdress


free hosting


Hosting is the parking space for your website. We include free hosting for a year with every website. After the free period is up, our hosting plan is fixed at $150 per year, one of the cheapest options out there at the minute.

Free support is also provided for the 1st year, then is charged based on the issue and time spent fixing it.

Free Email

We include free email accounts. This means you can have a professional email ending with You can even have email account for your team members too.
free ssl

Free SSL

Google requires websites to be secure. The green lock before the url in your browser means the website is secure. This is critical for e-commerce sites. We offer a free ssl certificate for your website, which means it's secure and makes google happy.

Built Using


We build each and every website using wordpress. Wordpress is the most versatile cms (content management system) out there, and allows you to make edits, post blog posts or update products in your shop, with ease. We will provide a quick explainer video to guide you around if you are new to wordpress.

We also use themex, one of the best themes on the market at no extra cost.



Need to sell online? We have you covered. We can integrate your shop into wordpress either using shopify or woocommerce. Easily manage your inventory and orders from wordpress.


Blog Integration
Are you a blogger? Or need a blog on your site? We are here to help. We can integrate blog pages into your site, or create an entire blog website using wordpress. Easy to post and easy to update and share.

Basic On
Page SEO

Search engine optimization, this is basically making your website to google standards and helping you get ranked higher in the search results. SEO is very complicated and though we cannot guarantee higher ranking, we can help get you there by making sure the basic on site SEO is up to scratch.

Basic Speed

Basic Speed Optimization
It can take a long time to gain customers, and only seconds to lose one. Speed matters, and nobody likes a slow website. The probability of losing a customer increases 32% on a page that loads slower than 3 seconds. We ensure your website loads as fast as possible.
Easy to Update & Edit

Easy to
Update & Edit

We use cornerstone, an easy to use building tool, that allows you to easily edit text and images if and when you need to. We ensure anything on your site is easily editable by you, be it products in your shop, or your blog posts.


Responsive Design
Your website should look good everywhere, from a mobile device, right up to a 4k monitor. We ensure this by designing, and building with each screen width in mind. Your website will change and react visually on each and every device.